Business Loan
To apply for a business loan, you need a solid reason. It sounds simple, but knowing this will help us get you the right type of finance for your business.
- The other details we’ll need are:
- The amount you want to borrow;
- When you need the funds;
- How long it will take you to repay the loan;
- How the loan will be repaid;
- What security or guarantee you can offer that the loan will be repaid;
- A business plan.
It’s important to know that interest is charged on the borrowed money, and the loan is usually secured against your business assets – such as property or equipment. But don’t worry, if you don’t have all or any of these to hand just yet, we are here to help you come up with the right plan and then find the right solution.
Are there other options?
Absolutely. Just get in touch and we’ll help you find what’s right for you. We’re here for your business. At Mortgage Buzz, we take the time to understand your needs, you can count on us for competitive rates, and the type of friendly service that makes growing your business exciting – not a hassle.
To find out more about your investment options, contact us on 1300 081 557 or submit an enquiry online.